Support Bandcamp United

Workers at Bandcamp are organizing to form a union, and management have hired a union-busting law firm to attempt to disrupt their efforts. Bandcamp United has put out a call for support from users.

From the Bandcamp United website:

As the workers who build Bandcamp, we believe we should have input into its direction, and we believe in supporting and protecting workers who speak up. When we use our voices, we do so because we care about the future of Bandcamp, and because we wish to see our colleagues, artists, and broader communities succeed. It is important to us that Bandcamp’s artist-first mission continues with clarity and accountability, with all resources afforded to us distributed in the fairest and most transparent way possible. We feel a responsibility to support those who are most marginalized, to use our platform with integrity, and to provide reasonable protections and accommodations for those at-risk.

To get more info and find out how you can help, see

I stand with Bandcamp United

First release from new project BBBG

Over the course of 2022, I had some fun messing around with fractal music generators and other generative toys, and I’ve decided to release the results under a new project name. Some of these tracks were originally going to be part of a new Fugue State album, but I ended up getting really into it and soon had enough to fill an album. Since I could see myself doing more of this kind of thing in the future, I decided to call it something else as well, rather than having a bunch of oddball semi-themed releases under an existing project.

This album is available as a pay-what-you-want download from Bandcamp.

Benefit compilation for victims of the Club Q shooting

I lack the words to properly express my feelings here, but I’m humbled and honored to be part of this compilation from Produkt 42.

$20 (pay more if you want) for 20+ songs from across the underground music community to help raise awareness, and money for the victims, survivors and Club that is more than just a gay bar in Colorado Springs but, is a community and safe haven for the marginalized and outcast as well as the spectrum of the LBGTQ+ community.

New SC track available on CGR Presents: Volume X

From the bandcamp page:

This is the 10th compilation in the “CGR Presents” series, which began in 2007. As always, there is no overarching genre-centric theme. Just proper sounds by proper people.

Features a diverse range of works by:

{AN} EeL (Ontario), Antonella Eye Porcelluzzi (Italy), Bergstresser (California), Cuntsplitterkor (New Hampshire), Derek PS (Arizona), DJ_Iterate (Illinois), EL ZOMBIE ESPACIAL (Argentina), Fernando Bocadillos (Argentina), Grove Of Whispers (Texas), HACKD (?), Jaime Munárriz (Spain), Kosmische Clutharachán (California), KR Seward (Massachusetts), Lezet (Serbia), LIL (UK), Mayhem Lettuce (Illinois), Mean Flow (Greece), Mental Anguish (Tennessee), RDKPL (Czechia), Román Carranza (Argentina), Rusty-Like (Guatemala), Skin Contact (Colorado), SOMaBUSE (Italy), Terbeschikkingstelling (Netherlands), TMW (UK), Total E.T. (Slovakia), WHΛLTHISИEY (Portugal), Wilfried Hanrath (Germany) & Zumaia (France).

Glad to be part of it!

New Fugue State EP: More Space

Found myself playing with this track again, and had some fun doing some remixes and an ambient-style re-imagining. I decided to put the results on an EP with an outtake from the original Spaced Out EP and a newer techno-ish track that was recently finished.